Ideas and suggestions for The Crust from the community

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185 votes

Resource Type Indicator for Input/Output Ports

Background: Facilities have predetermined resource types for each input and output. We can see the mapping when placing the facility - however once it's built there ...
Suggested by: Martinito (15 Mar) Upvoted: 27 Sep Comments: 1
Done Conveyors
59 votes

Filter resources except

Adding the ability to negate exceptions in splitters would be a significant quality-of-life improvement. For instance, you could configure a splitter to send Iron to ...
Suggested by: HellyWorld (15 Mar) Upvoted: 27 Sep Comments: 1
Planned Conveyors
51 votes

A way to see Conveyor Upgrade cost when upgrading

Being able to know before upgrading rather than click and hope you have enough credits, either something where the mouse cursor is when you hover over conveyors after ...
Suggested by: Angel (27 Mar) Upvoted: 04 Sep Comments: 0
Done Conveyors
20 votes

Conveyor elevator manual settings

The elevator has 4 ports for conveyers, it should be better if entrance/exit could be locked to transport up to 4 different resources on fixed conveyors. ...
Suggested by: Xtreme (09 Apr) Upvoted: 27 Jul Comments: 1
Done Conveyors
12 votes

Have it so you manually place belts and splitters and underground belts

Nice and simple and obvious
Suggested by: raww (15 Mar) Upvoted: 01 Sep Comments: 0
Under consideration Conveyors