Greater POI variation on the surface

63 votes

After the first dozen or two, the variation of POIs on the surface gets fairly boring. We know the game is still early in development and that more variation is to be expected in time.

Here's a few ideas that might spice it up a bit more:
- Factory (repair): Basic resource production per time unit
- Factory (repair): Basic resource production for a limited time
- Factory (repair): Advanced resource production per time unit
- Factory (repair): Advanced resource production for a limited time
- Factory (repair): Small vehicle(s)
- Factory (repair): Drones (a limited number after n days)
- Knowledge: Mineral prospecting around the POI (i.e. mineral scans)
- Knowledge: Local repeater showing nearby (hidden) POIs
- Free stuff: Technology unlocks (rather than just research points)
- Free stuff: Prospective colonists
- Free stuff: Drones
- Free stuff: Money
- Free stuff: Small vehicles (that may need repair)
- Corporate bases that can be interacted with directly more than once

Under consideration Suggested by: Ellri Upvoted: 27 Sep Comments: 0

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