(Credit) If you spent all the money....

7 votes

As shown in the recent YT Stream from Charlie Pyror, the player can actually drain his/her funds below 1000.
Sending Cargo (e.g. selling stuff) needs at least 1000 cash.
In the video, the cargo pod is sent nonetheless, which is a nice and quiet solution.

I'd suggest that either the cash balance gets negative and cargo pod sending is the only thing allowed. Or that you can borrow money for interest. It should be kept really basic, almost like transport tycoon? There is a fixed limit how much you can borrow and interest is paid monthly. rules for "negative cash" could apply. Borrowing money would also suggest to make it impossible to send cargo pods when low on cash.

Planned Suggested by: CluNello Upvoted: 01 May Comments: 1

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