Drones should prioritize the closest storage when picking/delivering resources
Right now it looks like drones try to equally distribute materials, prioritizing the most empty storage when delivering resources, and the most full when picking resources. It really destroys their performance when they have to travel a long way to the other end of the map even though they have a matching storage right next to them. Conveyors should be responsible for distributing materials between storages, not drones. Drones should minimize time spent traveling.
Comments: 3
19 Aug, '24
NateAdditionally, drones should pick up from piles on the floor before going to storage. There can be a pile of stuff laying right next to the build site, but they still go to the storage first.
3 -
20 Aug, '24
BlackholeZWhen was this marked done? My bots still travel halfway across the cave to deposit to an emptier bulk storage instead of the one right next to them. It seems like there's a fill threshold where the nearest storage gets removed from the list until others catch up.
24 Aug, '24
BenI've also noticed drones wasting a heap of time shuttling from one side of the underground and back when mining basalt, one block at a time, instead of each sticking to their own region. (The logic is there in game already, Hauler bots do this when picking up multiple 1x regolith piles from the floor)
Devs need to add a proximity bias to minimise this waste of time